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ELN Hashtag: #LiesLochteToldMe

Team USA, YouTube

One of my favorite parts about doing a live version of our talk show these days is the ability to interact with so many of you who support our show.  As such, we've had some fun doing some cool hashtags that get you guys involved in part of the creative process.

In preparation for the upcoming installment of Early Late Night's #MonologueMonday, we're asking you guys to come up with the best comments you can for the prompt #LiesLochteToldMe.

In the event you've been living under a rock for the past week, multiple Olympic medalist (and all-around American doofus), Ryan Lochte, took some heat this week when it was discovered that the story he told about being robbed at gunpoint while in Rio may have been fabricated.  

The fallout from all of this being somewhere between Lochte is the perfect example of white male privilege and "well, what else do you expect from the guy who coined the word "jeah" and was surprised his dyed hair would turn the color of a Smurf in Rio water?"

Given the odd nature of Lochte's "held at gunpoint in a foreign country" story (and the even less credible excuse for the fabrication), we are turning to you, our fans and friends, to come up with the best Lies that Ryan Lochte told you.  

The best responses will get read on this Monday's show.  Feel free to chime in with your responses in the comment section below.